Light Bulb Lab
To increase the Surface
Brightness of Navile
Dylan Thomas, 1952
๐ฌ๐ง We are a group of astronomy students and enthusiasts. We created a local and completely independent list to improve our new home with a little bit of humor.
๐ฎ๐น Siamo un gruppo di studenti e appassionati di astronomia. Abbiamo creato una lista locale e completamente indipendente per divertirci e migliorare la nostra nuova sede.
Stronger connection and cooperation with our neighbors: INAF/OAS and CTA.
We promote the use of the bicycle or public services when possible (Read Here).
Slow but gradual transition to an English Master's degree in Astrophysics and Cosmology.
For us it is an honor to have and to preserve this naturalistic area.
We will observe, register and report every burst.
Between us and with professors and researchers.
We will keep you updated on our research findings with monthly publications!